Because Tulsa Chautauqua is widely recognized as a historically and culturally significant event, the following not-for-profit, public and private organizations and philanthropists have generously contributed to ensure this annual event continues to thrive.

Presenting Sponsor ($10,000)

Benefactors ($5,000-$9,999)

– Anne & Henry Zarrow Foundation
– Oklahoma Humanities & The National Endowment for the Humanities

Champions ($2,500-$4,999)

– Gelvin Foundation
– Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P.
– Sandy & Ed Moore

Advocates ($1,000-$2,499)

– All Souls Generosity Committee
– Gini Fox
– Paula Settoon
– Kim Smith
– Tulsa Community College Foundation

Friends of Chautauqua ($250-$999)

– Anonymous
– Victoria and Dewey Bartlett
– Charlene Bassett
– Rex Berry
– Linda Broach
– Carolyn and Fred Burks
– Ken Busby
– Pamela Cecil
– Harry Dandelles
– Cheryl and Larry Chambers
– Diane Farmer
– Julie and Jerry Gustafson
– Nancy & Bill Hermann
– Rebecca Holland and Ron Nick
– Jo Ann Huber
– Sandra Langenkamp
– Marilyn Inhofe and Ralph Tucker
– Myra and Ronald Jeffris
– Mary Ellen Jones
– Kathleen Kastelic
– Nancy & Ted Kachel
– Sonja Langlee
– Dr. Lora Larson
– Mary and Mike McGraw
– Jennifer Maxwell
– Carolyn Moore
– LeLe Murphy
– Marilyn and Everett Neal
– Denise Phillips
– Beth Rainey
– Barbara and Edwin Reavis

Friends of Chautauqua ($250-$999)

– Marcy and Bernard Robinowitz
– Joanne Sellars
– Julie Skye (Skye Advisors)
– Penny and John Tipton
– Martin Wing
– Marcia Young

In-Kind Donors

– Tulsa Historical Society & Museum